As we reported in the August Newsletter, as part of the contract to relay the playing surface we ordered the application of a binder before the courts were painted. In the event, the contractor forgot to apply the binder. As we were advised at the time of ordering that the binder would prolong the life of the courts and the quality of the playing surface the contractor has agreed to come back to apply the binder and repaint the courts. We have now arranged for the work to be carried out week commencing 24 August 2020. Unfortunately this does mean that potentially the courts will be out of use for 10 days between Monday 24 August and Friday 4 September, but this will depend on the weather and which day the contractor starts. We will update you via the website, the WhatsApp Groups for organised tennis and the Clubspark court booking system.
MDL coaching will be in touch with anyone signed up for holiday tennis club on the week of 24th August as to where it will take place once the courts are closed.
All term time coaching will resume from Monday 7th September 2020.
Your Purley Bury Management Team