March Newsletter – Club reopening Monday 29 March 2021


The good news is that we are able to reopen our courts for play – but not until Monday 29 March 2021 as per government and LTA guidance and subject to the latest data on COVID in England—latest-advice/

Organised and pre-booked doubles and singles play will both be permitted subject to the rule of six and social distancing. Coaching and Junior sessions will resume with some tempting offers from MDL Coaching. Our buildings will remain closed except for access required for operational reasons or in emergencies. Our rules during the COVID-19 pandemic still apply and are replicated at the end of this newsletter together with details of how to book a court. Session organisers will be in touch in the usual way.

AGM – A date for your diary

The AGM will be a Zoom call this year and will take place at 8pm on Thursday 25 March 2021. A formal notice of the meeting will be sent out by 11 March 2021 together with the agenda, the Trustees’ Report and the annual accounts. You will also be provided with details of how to join the call and participate.

2021 Subscriptions

Subject to agreement at the AGM, there will be no increase in subscription fees this year, and renewals will be at 75% of the full-year rate to compensate for the loss of play during the first quarter of 2021. Members not intending to renew will be welcome to continue using the Club’s facilities until the end of June 2021. In the case of Full Adult Membership, a special renewal rate of £150 will be available for payment by Friday 16 April 2021, after which the rate for renewals will be £165. Renewal letters will be sent out in the usual way after the AGM. Renewal will be a prerequisite for entry to the Club Tournament which we hope to run from May in the usual way.

Court Booking

Anyone wishing to play must book  a one or two hour slot in advance, starting on the hour, using the Clubspark booking system and follow the guidelines below. To book a court you must be an adult member. Juniors under the age of 16 must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times at the Club. Members may bring a guest and the guest fee of £3 should be paid into the Club’s bank account by BACs Sort Code 20-88-13 A/c No. 03184153 Reference Members name and date played. Please remember to cancel any booking you make which is no longer required as soon a possible so the time can be used by others.

Floodlight Fees

Floodlight fees for the early and late club sessions on Monday and Thursday evenings will continue to be £2.25 per person per session (75p per half hour as it gets lighter).

Don’t forget, payment should be made at the end of the month by BACS to avoid unnecessary handling of cash to:

Sort Code: 20-88-13

Account Number: 03184153

Reference: Please quote your name as a reference

A REMINDER – COVID Pandemic Club Rules

  • If you are symptomatic or living in a household with someone else who has a possible or confirmed COVID-19 infection, you should remain at home and not come to the Club.
  • Avoid congregating on or around the court or on the veranda before and after playing to allow access for others, and maintain social distancing of at least two metres from others (including when taking breaks and before and after play). Arrive changed and ready to play as near your scheduled start time as possible. Access courts 4 & 5 via the gate by the car park, and courts 1, 2 and 3 via the gate by the tea room.
  • If you test positive for COVID-19 please provide the following information to the Club via any member of the management team or the Club phone number, 07761 602014 (Mark Love) or 07971 291688 (Sarah Wilson) or the Club email address
      1. your name and contact details (these will be kept confidential).
      2. the date when you took the test.
      3. the last date you visited PBTC prior to your test – You can also use the Club’s NHS QS code on the kitchen window to record your attendance at the Club.
      4. the activities you were involved in at the Club.
      5. the locations you were in at the Club.
  • All the Club’s buildings are closed and in the interests of your safety must not be used except by authorised members for operational purposes such as collecting balls and turning on floodlights or in emergencies. If you do have a legitimate reason to access the kitchen area or toilets, please ensure you lock the kitchen door when you leave. It is not acceptable to congregate in the kitchen. Access to the bar is not permitted at any time without permission from Robbie Watt who is responsible for the bar.

You will find our full guidance on the Club Website at

Your Purley Bury Management Team