Tennis and COVID-19 Update

It’s great news that our country is on track to progressively lift the COVID-19 restrictions. The next progression will take place as planned on Monday 17 May 2021.

The main changes affecting tennis relate to opening up indoor courts for play, but there are some smaller benefits for us. In particular the rule of 6 people mixing for outdoor activity is replaced by the rule of 30, and the rule of 6 applies to indoor activity. Spectators will be allowed at outdoor venues.—permitted-tennis-activity.pdf. We intend to continue organising attendance at all our social tennis sessions in advance, but we will be able to be a bit more flexible with the rule of 30.

Please note, the rules regarding social distancing still apply.

The rules for indoor use of our buildings would require as a minimum, frequently touched surfaces to be wiped down twice a day, one of which should be at the beginning or the end of the working day. This is not practical for our club and therefore your Management Board has decided to continue to keep use of our indoor facilities to a minimum i.e. for operational reasons, emergencies and to use the toilets. The only exceptions will be where the necessary cleaning can be done. However, the bar will be available on an occasional basis for drinks to be consumed outside and it has been good to see our members able to enjoy some refreshment once again

Please remember to bring your own hand sanitiser with you and use it whilst at the club. Hand sanitiser will normally also be available in the club house and soap is provided at the sinks in the toilets. Use of our buildings will be at members own risk.

All coaching sessions are buzzing this term with busy junior coaching sessions and Friday night Junior night. Adult coaching has hit an all time high. In addition our disability tennis sessions have attracted a large number of new attendees and we would very much welcome some more volunteers to help once, twice a month or each week between 5.15pm-6pm and/or 6pm-6.45pm. Please text Mark on 07761 602014 if you wish to be added to the disability volunteers what’s app group where Mark will ask on a Thursday who is available to help out on the Friday. It is honestly the most rewarding of sessions and our youngest helper Lucy who is just 11yrs of age helps us every week around her own busy tennis schedule.

As always a massive thank you to all the volunteers at the club as without you the club just could not function. If you think there is anything you can do for the club to make it look better, function better and are willing to give up a small amount of time please get in touch with a member of the committee.

Your Purley Bury Management Team