Senior Finals Day (Sunday 18th July) is fast approaching and the tournament is running well with some fantastic matches being played.
The day itself, which this year will consist of 10 finals played on two courts, always proves to be a great success. This one will be the biggest event the club has hosted for over two years.
Due to the government extending social distancing restrictions for another four weeks, access to the clubhouse will have to be restricted to authorised persons and to those needing to use the toilets.
That being said, we are confident the sun will be shining so the bar will be serving drinks from the door all day allowing everyone to enjoy the tennis with an appropriate refreshment in hand whilst still complying with the relevant (outdoor) social distancing rules. An order of play for the main and the plate tournaments, with timings, will be published nearer the time.
We will be running a BBQ from around midday onwards, and will be serving tea, coffee, cake, strawberries and cream from an outdoor refreshment stand.
In order for the day to run smoothly, we will need your help. So, we are looking for volunteers to assist with the following:-
- Umpiring of matches
- Cakes (making)
- Serving drinks from the bar
- Manning the refreshments stand
- Organising a 50/50 raffle
- Clearing up
If you can help in ANY way, please contact Robbie Watt via email (
As we were unable to hand out trophies after last year’s finals, and as social distancing restrictions are expected to still be in place during this year’s event, we are planning to host a prize giving ceremony covering both years on 31st July at 5pm. We are hopeful that this ceremony can take place in the bar but more details about it will be sent out soon.
Finally, Mark Love would also appreciate anyone who is also able to help on Junior Finals Day which is scheduled to take place the day before (Saturday 17th July).
Thank you in advance,
Your Purley Bury Management Team