Spring Newsletter

Spring is here and we can all look forward to playing with the sun on our backs as opposed to in the cold with the wind whistling in our ears.

Derby Match 2pm Saturday 26 March 2022

On Saturday 26 March we have the enticing prospect of our mens second team playing our mens third team in a derby match – they are in the same league. The match starts at 2pm so come down and support the men – the bar will be open.

Over-60s mens doubles

We have been invited by a number of other local clubs to play Over-60s mens doubles friendlies. If you would be interested in playing please contact David Stantiall. If you do not have his contact details, he can be contacted via the Club email – mail@purleyburytennisclub.net 

2022 Tournament

You will shortly receiving details of the 2022 Junior and Senior Tournaments. The Junior Finals will be played on Saturday 9 July. The Senior finals on Saturday 16 July with a Trophy Presentation event on Saturday 23 July. Put these dates in your diary now.


Junior holiday tennis camps will run:

Monday 11th April to Thursday 14th April 2022

Tuesday 19th April to Thursday 21st April 2022

Camps are for children aged from 4yrs to 16yrs.

The Term Time programme ends on Friday 8th April and returns on Saturday 23rd April.2022

We ran our first LTA match play this weekend and saw some great tennis from those children who entered. We hope these will continue in the future as it is very important to a players tennis development and journey. For more information about future events please email Mark / Amy at mdlcoaching@hotmail.com

Working Parties

Katherine Willis, our new Maintenance Co-ordinator has been busy getting to grips with the maintenance schedule and there will be two working parties in April to tidy up the grounds for the new season. Please join in as and when you can. It is very much part of the Club ethos that everyone contributes to the success of our Club, and of course it helps us keep Membership Fees down. These are usually enjoyable occasions as well not least because tea and bacon sandwiches are provided!

9am – 1pm Saturday 9th April 2022

9am – 1pm Saturday 16th April 2022

Just turn up on the day when you can.

2022/3 Membership fees and renewals

We were delighted to confirm at the AGM that there will be no increase in membership fees this year. Renewal letters will be going out shortly and prompt payment by 31 March 2022 will be appreciated.

We will be making the following changes:

  • The Full Adult Membership fee will be reduced from £220 to £210, but the early payment discount of £10 will no longer be offered so most Full Adult Members will pay the same. 
  • The discount for a second Full Adult living at the same address is being reintroduced with a combined rate of £375.
  • There will be a new Off-Peak Adult Membership at £120 which will offer the ability to book courts to play with other Adult Members but will not give access to any organised sessions, teams or tournaments. We think this will be attractive to Parent/Rusty Racket Play/Adult Coaching members as an intermediate step before Full Adult Membership
  • The successful Family Membership offer of two Parent Memberships plus two Junior memberships for £120 will continue.

Provision of Tennis Balls

The Club’s policy on providing members with tennis balls was raised at the AGM. The full adult membership fee includes the provision of good quality used tennis balls for organised social tennis sessions i.e. Sunday mornings, Monday evening rotas, Wednesday morning Ladies, Thursday morning men, Thursday evening rotas.  Where no used balls of sufficient quality are available, new balls will be provided. The session organiser or their representative has access to the ball cupboard. At all other times members are expected to provide their own balls. including Club Tournament matches, except the finals. The balls put out for social tennis are not to be used for any other play. Match practice, Saturday Singles and Matches are played with new balls for which players pay a session or match fee. These are the good quality used balls that are then used for social tennis. There is usually a plentiful supply of redundant used balls in the bin in the kitchen should members require them. Our ability to keep Membership Fees down is dependent on optimising the use of Club balls.

Tubes of balls can be purchased from the Club for £5 via Mark Love 07761602014 with payment on collection in cash or by card at the bar.

Floodlight Tokens

It would really help simplify the accounting process if members could pay cash for floodlight tokens bought from the bar. This is because PBTC Social runs the bar but the floodlight payments are due to Purley Bury Tennis Club the Charity. There are other options but they are either more time consuming or more expensive or both! Your co-operation will be much appreciated.

Veranda Project

Stage 1. You may have noticed the fantastic new panoramic windows and double doors in the top building which are now complete. These have been installed by Alphaglaze, a very reliable and reputable local company we have used before, and we have not been disappointed this time. The windows and doors have safety glass fitted for the benefit of all users and the entrance has been re-sited further along the building to allow improved wheelchair access, once the surround levels have been improved. The windows and doors are of extremely good quality and the work has been done to a very high standard. The kitchen door has also been replaced with a bigger one! The new one, which is 200 ml longer, has done away with the high step and the big internal ramp that was there before. This will improve wheelchair access significantly. The new veranda will come up to the level of the new threshold, making access to the disabled toilets and kitchen area much better. Thank you Alphaglaze.

We are grateful for the incredible financial support from Viridor Credits Environmental Company – an independent, not-for-profit organisation which provides funding for community, heritage and biodiversity projects – who very kindly approved a grant to pay for the windows and doors upgrade. We are also grateful to Danny Sapsford at BrightIdeasForTennis, who kindly made contributions in support of our grant application.

Stages 2-5 are scheduled to start on 28 March 2022 with the area outside the Top Building which will take about 3 weeks. This will be followed by the 3 stage replacement of the veranda outside the Club House which will take about 6 weeks. Our objective is to complete the work by the beginning of June in time for the Jubilee Bank Holiday when we plan to hold some exciting events at the Club – watch this space for details

The Club will remain open whilst this work is done, but it will be necessary to restrict access from one or other of the entrances during the work. Please cooperate with these restrictions in the interests of your health and safety. Access to the Club House should be available throughout the work. Further information will be provided as the work progresses.

We will need support from Members to complete some of the cosmetic aspects of this work. Regarding the Top Building, the walls need painting to smarten everything up and finish off the work. Please put your hand up to help as and when you can. It won’t take long and it will support the hard working efforts of all involved in this project.


The Club AGM was held on Wednesday 9 March 2022. Only 21 Members attended which was disappointing and we were only just quorate. The AGM is important because it is where members can monitor the performance of the Club and determine its plans for the future with the Trustees and the Management Board. If you were unable to attend you can find the slides used at the meeting on the Management page of our website http://purleyburytennisclub.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/2022-PBTC-ANNUAL-GENERAL-MEETING-SLIDES.pdf.

The meeting approved the 2021 Trustees Report, the 2021 Accounts and the 2022 budget. It also re-elected Trustees Robbie Watt and Sarah Wilson and confirmed the appointment of Robbie Watt as Chairman.

The replacement of the practice wall was discussed. It was agreed to do no further work on the existing wall. Concerns were expressed about how much the wall would be used and how much it would cost. Therefore it was agreed to carry out a survey of all members before any further research was undertaken.

Venue Hire

Don’t forget, all Adult Members and Social Members may hire the bar for private functions. More information can be found at http://purleyburytennisclub.net/venue-hire/ . If you are interested please contact Robbie Watt – rjwatt@outlook.com

Dates for your diary

Saturday 26 March 2022 2pm mens second team playing our mens third team

Monday 28 March 2022 Stage 2 of work on veranda starts

Thursday 31 March 2022 Membership renewals due

Saturday 9   April 2022 9am-1pm Grounds working party

Saturday 16 April 2022 9am-1pm Grounds working party

Thursday 2 – Sunday 5 June 2022 Jubilee weekend

Saturday 9 July 2022 Junior Tournament Finals Day

Saturday 16 July 2022 Senior Tournament Finals Day

Saturday 23 July 2022 Trophy presentation event

Enjoy your tennis

Your Purley Bury Management Board