Well the Summer is nearly all gone and Autumn is upon us, so it is time for our Junior programme and our matches in the Winter Leagues to recommence. There is plenty of Club tennis to enjoy as well so make sure you make the most of the opportunity to be involved.
Make a note in your Calendar for Saturday 25 November 2023 when we anticipate holding our next Race Night. Watch out for further details nearer the time.
We will be holding a Management Board Meeting around 4 October 2023. If there are any issues you wish to highlight please contact any member of the team or mail@purleyburytennisclub.net .
MDL Coaching’s Junior Programme recommences on Monday 4 September, and an exciting Autumn is in prospect. Our junior teams did very well in the national leagues. The Summer Camps have been well attended and are key to recruiting more players to the Programme. Teen tennis in particular was excellent with a great turn out of talented teens and a nice bunch.
Our social tennis sessions are thriving and new members are always welcome to join in.
Those interested should contact the organiser of the session to be included via the Club email mail@purleyburytennisclub.net or directly:
Monday Evenings – Chris Baker
Wednesday Morning Ladies – Linda Domaingue
Thursday Mornings Men – Geoff Green
Thursday Evenings – Geoff Green
Friday Lunchtime – Mark Love
Sunday Mornings – Sarah Wilson
Disability Tennis – Mark Love
We have teams playing matches throughout the Autumn and Winter. Anyone wishing to be considered for any of the teams should contact Nathan Ascott.
Tournament Trophies
The Summer Tournament seems a long time ago now, but a number of participants in the finals have yet to collect their trophies. Please collect them from behind the bar at you earliest convenience!
Hire of Club House
The Club House is still available for hire, especially at weekends for private parties. The party season will be upon us soon, so make your booking early to avoid disappointment. For details see http://purleyburytennisclub.net/venue-hire/ or speak to Robbie Watt.
We are due to have some repair work done on the kitchen roof in the near future. Please watch out for notices and take extra care when the work is being carried out. We also expect to have the courts cleaned in the Autumn. You will be advised of the impact on court availability during the day nearer the time.
Car Parking
Please park considerately when visiting the Club, and do not obstruct our neighbours’ drives or the entrance to our Club car park. There is usually plenty of space in Purley Bury Avenue as well as Brancaster Lane.
Your Purley Bury Management Team