Full Adult £240 – Off peak Adult £135 – Adult Coaching Membership £42 – Disability Tennis £35 – Student £50 – Juniors £26-£58 – Parent £42 – Family £135 – Social £20
There are various categories of membership available to suit the requirements of all types of players as well as social membership. Here are the costs for membership for the 2024/25 season. New members will be charged pro rata for membership until 31 March 2025. Costs accurate as at 27 March 2024. Members may bring visitors of a suitable standard subject to payment of a £3 visitors fee and a limit of 3 visits per year unless otherwise agreed by the Management Board. All members and visitors are subject to the Membership Terms and Conditions.
At our club, we strive to provide a safe, enjoyable and inclusive environment for all of our members to play tennis and we expect all members to help us achieve this. We contribute actively to enable more people to play tennis more often. This applies regardless of a person’s age, disability, gender reassignment status, sex, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status or any other background.
The Tennis Club and PBTC Social Limited are run by the members for the members and the Community in Croydon. It is expected that members contribute what they can, when they can to the successful running of the club.
Adult Full – Price £240
Play midweek and weekends, in the club tournament, friendly and league matches
Two Full Adults living at the same address can get a discount with a combined rate of £430.
Adult Off Peak – Price £135
This gives the ability to book courts to play with other Adult Members but will not give access to teams, tournaments or any organised sessions except Wednesday Mid-week Ladies and Thursday Morning Men.
Adult Coaching Membership – Price £42
This Membership is for those who want to practice outside their lessons – also required if you want more than 6 sessions. Only available during first membership year. Beyond that you have to become Adult members if you want to carry on playing and have achieved the required standard
Disability Tennis Membership – Price £35
Disability Tennis membership includes one or more carer, and sessions for players with disabilities take place at the club on a Friday evening with free coaching
Parents – Price £42
Either Parent who has a child in the Junior Section can play anytime with their children or coaching. (Priority to be given to Adult Members and subject to court space)
Parent Family Membership – £135
Membership for 2 parents and two children (additional kids £10) includes access to coaching
Students in full-time education (Age18-25) – £50
Playing times as per adults.
TOTS Tennis (ages 4-6) – Price £26
Mini Tennis (ages 7-10) – Price £47
Junior Tennis (ages 11-18) – Price £58
Intermediate Junior rate Price £75
For Juniors who accept invitation to join in match practice and club sessions
The club has a developed competition and coaching programme for children of all ages, including holiday activities.
Social – Price £20
This is non-playing membership of PBTC Social and gives access to the Club’s social facilities and bar
- Categories as at age on the 31st December.