PBTC July/August Newsletter

If you like it hot whilst watching great tennis and enjoying good company then our Finals Days were for you.

Junior Finals Day took place on Saturday 17th July with 45 players taking part in the day’s events. There was a good turn out and the weather was amazing. The standard of play was excellent and the attitude of all of the players on court was beyond reproach. Congratulations to everyone who participated. Details of the winners and runners up are attached. Many thanks to Mark, Dan and Ryan for organising a great day.

PBTC Junior Tournament 2021 – Resultsdoc

Senior Finals day Day took place on Sunday 18 July. Play started at 10am and went on throughout the day day with 10 matches being played. The club was thronged with people. The bar was open all day, supplemented by non-alcoholic refreshments, ice cold water and cakes under the gazebos in the car park, and an excellent barbecue on the patio. £2,196 was taken on the day which way surpasses the £1,274 taken in 2019. Many thanks to all the members and friends who helped make it such a special day. An enormous amount of work went into getting the club ready for its first big event for some time, and it was great that so many people volunteered their time to help sweep the courts, tidy up the grounds, cut the hedges, varnish the veranda and clean the Club House. On the day we were grateful to all the umpires and the people who helped provide the refreshments. Special thanks to Lyk and his family for the brilliant job they did running the barbecue – they had an even hotter day than most, except, perhaps for one or two of the players! Lastly, thanks to Robbie for organising such a fine event and driving it through – no mean feat. Details of the winners and runners-up are below.

Saturday 31 July 2021 – American Tournament and Presentation of Tournament Trophies

The trophies will be presented at around 5pm on Saturday 31 July 2021. This will be preceded by an American Tournament starting at 2pm for members who play in any of the Adult Sessions at the Club. Numbers will be limited so please let Robbie know rjwatt@outlook.com as soon as possible if you are interested in playing. The bar will be open in time for the presentations and maybe earlier if there are volunteers to run it!

The winners and runners up in the Club Tournament are:

Men’s Singles – Ryan Harper-Bermejo bt James Hart

Ladies’ Singles – Danielle Hayter bt Lucy Bear 

Men’s Doubles – Ryan Harper-Bermejo & James Hart bt Andy Adams & Michael 


Ladies’ Doubles – To be concluded

Mixed Doubles – Nathan Ascott & Danielle Hayter bt David Barden & Catherine 



Men’s Singles – Cameron Handley bt Will Collomosse

Ladies’ Singles – Beckie Glazebrook bt Julia Mouna

Men’s Doubles – Lyk Calligeris & Robbie Watt bt Alan Foster & Cameron Handley

Ladies’ Doubles – Beckie Glazebrook & Lucy Bear bt Abigail Izon & Kelly Rowland

Mixed Doubles – Becca Balcombe & Robbie Watt bt Alan Foster & Beckie Glazebrook

We will also be presenting the Wendy Webb Trophy to the Junior who has made the best contribution to our Club during the last year.

Friday 30 July 2021 – Disability Match Play Event

We will be holding a Matchplay Event for our Disability Tennis players aged 14yrs to Adult. The format will be decided on the day depending on number of entries. Players will be grouped against others of a similar level and will have support from our volunteers who will help keep the score and guide our players through the rules.

Time: 17:00 – 19:00

Age guidance: 14 years and over

Ball type: Orange

Gender: Mixed

Team size: 2 – 8 players

Cost £5.00 per player 

MDL COACHING / Purley Bury Tennis Club / Fri, 30 Jul 2021 (lta.org.uk)

COVID-19 Guidance 

You will have received the Clubs latest COVID-19 Guidance by separate email. You will also find it on our website at http://purleyburytennisclub.net/2021/07/23/new-19-july-2021-covid-19-arrangements-be-responsible-respect-others/

This means that Our Club is able to operate more or less in the same way as before the pandemic. However, the onus is on all of us to behave responsibly and take appropriate precautions. In particular, DO NOT come to the Club if you have COVID-19 symptoms or are self-isolating. If you are unfortunate enough to contract COVID-19 please inform the club. Our buildings will all be open, but please avoid crowding together inside, and it will be one person at a time at the bar. We will be accepting payment in cash again, and reinstating the use of tokens for floodlight usage in August. The QR Code will still be available for you to use when you visit the Club. The practice wall will not be brought back into use because it would disturb the neighbours – we are considering options to present at the AGM next year.

Be Responsible, Respect Others and Enjoy Your Tennis

Your Purley Bury Management Team